Friday, 27 April 2007


Asparagus is one of my favourite foods! The British season is just starting now and will last about seven or eight weeks, so get your hands on it while it's in plentiful supply. I'll be writing more about this superfood and its health benefits in the May newsletter on my website, so check it out next week!

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Free bag!

If you shop in Sainsubury's tomorrow (Friday 27th April) you will be given a free 'bag for life' so there's no excuse for using uneccessary plastic bags! But even when you've got your free bag there are still plenty of ways for you to start cutting down on the number of carrier bags you use...
  • If you're buying something small, put it in your handbag/ pocket
  • When you buy a bottle of wine ask for it to be wrapped in paper
  • Don't double up carrier bags
  • Keep your fruit and veg loose in your trolley instead of in lots of little plastic bags
  • Don't use a plastic bag when you buy your lunch - it's not that far to your desk!
  • Spread the word - tell people who offer you plastic bags why you don't like using them!
If everyone made an effort to do these six things, then there would be far fewer plastic bags in our landfill sites!

We are what we do...

I was lucky enough to get to Tooting Sainsbury's in time to pick up an Anya Hindmarch "I'm not a plastic bag" yesterday morning. There were only 27 in the store and I was very excited to be number 18 in the queue along with an interesting mixture of people who seemed genuinely excited about getting their hands on this eco-friendly shopping bag. My excitement quickly turned to exasperation though as every single person in front of me paid for their bag and promptly put it into a plastic bag to take it home - completely oblivious to the irony! Unbelievable!

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Hello Everyone! I'm going to start blogging here, with the intention of giving you regular updates on how you can improve your health with topical nutrition facts and information plus tips on how to reduce your environmental impact. I hope you find it interesting and useful!

Claire x